Thursday, June 4, 2009

What is this plant?

On our facebook page we were asking if anyone knew what plant this was. Thought I'd repost here, for maybe better results. We have this bush that comes up every year and according to Renee has a lemon scent to the flowers. I can't really tell. We are trying to figure out what it is? Can anyone recommend a good plant website to help us search for this?

what is this plat close up

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Follow us on Facebook...

Renee and I are finding that we can post a little more frequently by using Facebook. So please follow us over there for so more current pictures and events.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Its been a while

Hello All,
Its been a while since I've added a post so I thought I'd jot down a fewer milestones:

  • Ryan's graduated out of the baby tub to the full tub
  • He's eating hot dogs with his carrots
  • He's cruising around the house, not quite yet walking
  • He's able to stand unassisted for 12- 25 seconds
  • When cruising he will sometimes use the walls (if he had a little white makeup on and black jacket he'd be a little mime)
  • He's got a huge molar in the back of his mouth
  • He's got my frog squat when sitting on the floor
  • He often likes to growl when laughing
  • He's good at figuring out how to move obstacles out of the way (especially when we want to block the dining room off)

We have a few more pictures to add (just need to get better at posting them...)

We'll be off on a few trips this summer so Ryan will have a lot of fun.

Til next time...

Monday, March 31, 2008

Recent Photos

lunch time

Since I've been bad at posting and putting up pictures I am going to put them up now since I'm on a roll here with and before the pictures get too old.

Ryan's First Easter

Ryan celebrated his first Easter and he had a blast. Now next year will even be better. He is such a busy little guy now and he's crawling all over the place. He is getting more teeth coming in on the bottom, now when he smiles you can see some teeth, it's so cute. Well in less then a month Ryan will be celebrating his First Birthday. It has been a very eventful year for us in so many ways and I'm sure it will continue as Ryan grows and hits each new milestone and Jim and I continue to work on our house. We are so blessed with having Ryan in our Life, he is a very happy baby and a joy to us every day.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Ryan Cutting his First Tooth

Wow!!! It's been a long time since we have posted and we have been very busy with Ryan and with the house.When people told me that the Ryan's first year would go by fast they weren't kidding. He's 9 months and cutting his first tooth . He is doing great and he makes us happier and happier every day. He graduated from baby food and is now able to have table food, Yippeeee!!. He's such a happy and busy baby. At this stage everything goes in the mouth and we have to be very careful. He's like his Daddy , he has to analyze everything first, he's so adorable when he studies things like when I'm reading him a book. He's also very vocal and he'll let you know it too. No ma-ma yet though. Well we hope to keep up with the blog now that the holidays are behind us and were getting settled in the house. Were going to do some painting soon so we hope to have some pics soon.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Ryan Bath Time

Here are some photos of Ryan in the bath in our old apartment:

Ryan Loves to Eat

Ryan loves to eat and sit in his high chair.He kicks and kicks away when we put him in it. He's been having fruit and cereal in the morning and veggies and fruit for lunch and either veggies and a dinner meal with a little dessert for dinner. He's been teething alot so sometimes he's a bit cranky but no tooth yet. He loves his swing and the animals above. At this stage everything goes in the mouth so we really keep a close eye on him. He loves to play on his activity mat and grab the toys hanging.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Ryan is 6 months

Well Ryan is 6 months old already and getting big. Their is so much that has been happening with him and I might forget to put some things on here. He likes to put his feet to his mouth and tries to bite his toes but we don't let him (Ha!!Ha!!). His legs are still going fast and we think he'll be a great swimmer when he grows up. We went to visit Grandma Romaine and went shopping with her. It's usually hard to get Ryan to smile for the camera but not this time, he was really enjoying himself. He is now 16 pounds and 26 3/4 inches and he's a good eater. he loves his carrots and prunes ( can you believe it). He is such a great baby and is full of laughter. We are in the middle of packing to move to our new house in a few weeks and we hope the transition will be good for Ryan, he will have his own room. We are excited about the "New House" and just waiting on the final date of the closing which will probably be the end of this week or next. Well i will end it here for now and finish posting at another time

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Rolling Ryan

Jim and I were surprised this past Tuesday night when Ryan was playing on his Activity mat and he rolled over from his back to his left side, we couldn't believe it. He was too cute and was having so much fun. The next day we were doing tummy time and he rolled from his stomach onto his back to my surprise. It's so exciting to see him grow and see the first of many milestones he will reach. Now we have to be extra careful, especially when he is on the changing table, that he doesn't roll over. He loves to squirm when I'm changing his diaper and his feet go, go and go, like he's running a marathon.

Ryan's First Taste of Food

Well we started Ryan on squash and carrots this week and he loves both of them. He is adjusting very well to the both of them.We will post new pictures of him this week. I know we have been slow with getting pictures on the site here. It has been a busy summer and things are starting to wind down.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Party Time

On Saturday, Ryan went to his first kid's birthday party

(Party Boy Ryan)

as we attended our God Daughter's (Renee's cousin's daughter) Caelin Piper's

(Caelin getting ready to blow out her candles)

(Tyler: "I got my party hat on" Aedin: "Ummmm Cake" Caelin: "Don't take my picture with my messy hands")

birthday. While he isn't old enough to have any cake yet, he got to meet some more family and enjoy a lot of time outside.

Then on Sunday, Ryan got to go to another party as the Gurgui's daughter Jacqueline was celebrating her recent graduation from high school. It was unfortunate that a good portion of the day was rained out, but we had a good time (but again no cake for little Ryan ).

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Forth of July Week, weekend...

Just catching up a bit...

I had a few days off this week being the Fourth and all, so I got to spend a little extra time with Ryan. We didn't have any big plans, but we did manage to fit in a visit to Grandma Romaine's and Aunt Patty's.

Today was a nice and relaxing day as mommy went to the spa in the earlier part of the afternoon after spending the morning running a few errands. Ryan got to spend a little time with Nana and Great Nana while we were out. Then he and I spent the afternoon watching the game and otherwise being lazy.

I actually got the chance to add a few posts here to catch up on some old entries as Ryan has been napping most of the afternoon.

Don't have a picture yet to post for this entry, but will update later (when...hhhmm???) Gotta go get a bottle now as he is just waking up a bit.

Shopping trip to the Mall

We took Ryan on another trip to the mall today and for the first time he was awake for most of it. Renee and I stopped in the mall to get an upgrade on our cell phones now that the contract was up. We both got picture phones so we will have more opportunities to get get candid shots of Ryan and although the photo with this post isn't one from the phone, I am hoping to be able to post a few more a little easier.